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React Native


This guide is intended for react native projects that utilize @react-native-community/cli without a framework. Visit the Expo page for a guide on using Expo.

To integrate cpp.js into your project using React Native, you can utilize the @cpp.js/plugin-react-native, @cpp.js/plugin-react-native-ios-helper. Start by installing these package with the following command:

npm install @cpp.js/plugin-react-native @cpp.js/plugin-react-native-ios-helper

To enable the plugin, modify the metro.config.js file as shown below.

const {getDefaultConfig, mergeConfig} = require('@react-native/metro-config');
+const CppjsMetroPlugin = require('@cpp.js/plugin-metro/metro-plugin.cjs');

* Metro configuration
* @type {import('metro-config').MetroConfig}
-const config = {};
+const config = {
+ ...CppjsMetroPlugin(getDefaultConfig(__dirname)),

module.exports = mergeConfig(getDefaultConfig(__dirname), config);

Cpp.js requires a configuration file to work. For a minimal setup, create a cppjs.config.mjs file and add the following content.

import getDirName from 'cpp.js/src/utils/getDirName.js';

export default {
paths: {
project: getDirName(import.meta.url),

Move your C++ code to the src/native directory. For example;

#pragma once
#include <string>

class MySampleClass {
static std::string sample() {
return "Hello World!";

Modify the React file to call the c++ function from your React page. For example;

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { SafeAreaView, Text, StyleSheet, View} from 'react-native';

+import './native/MySampleClass.h';
+import { initCppJs } from 'cpp.js';

function App(): React.JSX.Element {
+ const [message, setMessage] = useState('compiling ...');

+ useEffect(() => {
+ initCppJs().then(({ MySampleClass }) => {
+ setMessage(MySampleClass.sample());
+ });
+ }, []);

return (
+ <Text>Response from c++ : {message}</Text>

export default App;

The project is now fully set up and ready to run.


Before proceeding, ensure that you have met all the prerequisites for setting up a working development environment.

Run on iOS

To install cocoapods packages, run the following command:

cd ios
pod install

You can now run the app on iOS using the following command:

npm run ios

Run on Android

You can now run the app on Android using the following command:

npm run android

Sample Source Code: You can access the sample source code from this link.