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You can use cpp.js to compile native code from your project into WebAssembly. To do this, add the build script and cpp.js as a dependency in the package.json file of your project.

"name": "myapp",
"scripts": {
+ "build": "cppjs build -p wasm"
"devDependencies": {
+ "cpp.js": "^1.0.0-beta.1"

To install the npm packages, use the following command:

npm install

Cpp.js requires a configuration file to work. For a minimal setup, create a cppjs.config.mjs file and add the following content.

import getDirName from 'cpp.js/src/utils/getDirName.js';

export default {
paths: {
project: getDirName(import.meta.url),
output: 'dist',

Move your C++ code to the src/native directory. For example;

#pragma once
#include <string>

class MySampleClass {
static std::string sample() {
return "Hello World!";

Now, we can compile our C++ code into WebAssembly. Run the following command:


Before proceeding, ensure that you have met all the prerequisites for setting up a working development environment.

npm run build

This command will generate myapp.wasm, myapp.browser.js, and myapp.node.js files inside the dist folder.

├── src
│ └── native
| └── MySampleClass.h
├── dist
│ └── myapp.wasm
| └── myapp.browser.js
| └── myapp.node.js
├── ...

You can now access your native code by importing dist/myapp.node.js into your JavaScript file. For a minimal setup, create a src/index.js and add the following content.

const initCppJs = require('../dist/myapp.node.js');

initCppJs().then(({ MySampleClass }) => {
console.log(`Response from c++ : ${MySampleClass.sample()}`);

The project is now fully set up and ready to run. To view the output, run the following command:

node ./src/index.js

For module (ES) usage, create a src/index.mjs and add the following content.

import initCppJs from '../dist/myapp.node.js';

initCppJs().then(({ MySampleClass }) => {
console.log(`Matrix multiplier with c++ => ${MySampleClass.sample()}`);

To view the output, run the following command:

node ./src/index.mjs

Sample Source Code: You can access the sample source code from this link.