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This object defines paths, such as the project path.

Here is a minimal example:

export default {
general: {
name: 'sampleName',
paths: {
config: import.meta.url,
base: '../..',



configstringundefinedCpp.js config path
projectstringconfig.paths.config parent pathProject path
basestringconfig.paths.projectBase path for monorepo structure
cachestringconfig.paths.project/.cppjsCache path
buildstringconfig.paths.cache/buildBuild path
nativearray['src/native']Source files path
modulearrayconfig.paths.nativePath to the directory containing source files
headerarrayconfig.paths.nativePath to the directory containing header files
bridgearray[...config.paths.native, config.paths.temp]Path to the directory containing bridge files
outputstringconfig.paths.tempDirectory path where the output files will be saved.
cmakestringauto find CMakeLists.txt pathPath to the directory containing CMakeLists.txt